I believe today's thoughts are tomorrow's upcoming attractions and what you truly believe about, you bring about.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Philosophy for Education

      I am on a path towards education as my career and one word describes it, determined. What drives me down that path is my passion to bring about new educational institutions. A new way for the upcoming generation filled with magic, consciousness, and quantum science.
      I believe that a school where groups are held daily to work on our personal, spiritual, and educational lives with a strong awareness of the different stages of human development. It is important to continually practice projects of mind over matter for not only the students, but as well as the entirety of the school; including the staff. With this knowledge, Like minds + working together as one = Results. Homework will be done at school where the staff and students help other students. My passion is for a positive world, where we all connect as one.
        My goal is to inspire the children of future America. I will give them the happiness and belief to spring forward with the confidence in their passion; what they believe about, they bring about. There is a spiritual awareness happening because of the belief they are learning in themselves, without ever the mention of religion. Open mindedness is a part of our school policy and to walk every minute of life in inspiration, inspiring others, which will in turn inspire yourself.
       A child's education is the foundation to their entire life. I believe that their is nothing that is more crucial then for them to learn of human connection in the most positive way possible, through unconditional love and divine inspiration. This will set the threshold for their future. I look forward to my future in education, and our world that our children have created.

Right here in Prescott, AZ, we are honored to have a Waldorf education based school, Mountain Oak. I believe in this type of school system with all of my heart. In a recent salon that I owned, I raised money for this school because of the way I feel about it.
Here is a link that will take you to the website that provides information about the type of school that they are.  It is not directed to their homepage but, it is directed to future teachers of Waldorf schools which is spread throughout the world. Please check out the whole website


Unfortunately, we do not live in a positive world. Alot of things need to change. It is so bad that some schools do not look at students as an individual, but like a number. Things need to change so here is a website that talks about how we can change the way it is now to better the future for our children.


  1. That is an excellent philosophy. I believe as you do in the importance of early education as the foundation. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to work with one and two-year-olds. It is very important to establish bonds and trusting relationships with these young ones. It is how they move forward. It is as vital as a good breakfast. The ability to work with a responsive and caring teacher. I look forward to checking your blog through this class.

  2. I've always wondered about the Waldorf and how it works for kids. Thanks for posting the links. I'll check them out. Isn't it grand that we live in a state where parents have a choice in how they want their kids educated and where teachers are permitted to engage in those different philosophies of education with children.

  3. I think expanding our notion of reality, whether you call it spirituality or quantum physics, needs to be a part of our educational paradigm — especially given how quickly our physical world is changing. I know a lot of people who choose homeschooling over traditional education for this reason alone.

  4. Thank you all for your feed back on my Philosophy blog. I look forward to adding on.

  5. My three children went to mt oak at various grades and I greatly miss the infusion of visual arts music and dance into the curriculum.

  6. Thatcher, I did a fundraser for Mt Oak and raised 1,500 dollare for them 5 years ago when I owned Merkaba Salon.
